2018 15 Jan

Newsletter | Afik&Co. Attorneys and Notary No.248


Afik & Co. marks the birth date of American statesman, scientist, author, inventor and printer Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 – April 17, 1790), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States The employer's responsibility to prevent sexual harassment / Shira Zaken Porat, Adv...

2018 02 Jan

Newsletter | Afik&Co. Attorneys and Notary No.247


An article on the actions to be taken in the event of a failure to win the tender, as demonstrated by the recent case of a Cyprus company represented by the law firm of Afik & Co. for a number of years with regard to marine fueling at the Haifa Port, which filed a tender offer for the maritime bunkering services in the Ashdod port and received notice that it did not win r...