2020 29.05

Elizabeth Erickson, an attorney in the Matrimonial Group, was a guest blogger for Caroline Zwickson, a women's health and life coach, as part of Zwickson's "ML Spotlight Series." The article explored how the “mental load”, as a significant parenting dynamic, is overlooked in custody arrangements, and suggests simple steps to address and recalibrate the mental load so that all family members can thrive in post-divorce life. 

Click here to read the article: http://www.carolinezwickson.com/blog/2020/5/16/what-custody-arrangements-miss-the-mental-load?fbclid=IwAR0_nqRv2fMUOZN6yxia-sxL5nf6lr75a5KKPkOUdXPay8Calily2h6vEH0
