2019 07.11

EALG’s semi-annual meeting was held in Geneva between 24-27 October 2019. The firm Jardim Gonçalves & Associados (www.jgsa.pt) joined to the group as the new Portuguese member. The business session was followed by a conference on Cryptocurrencies and new legal challenges. This conference was organized jointly by Hornung Avocats, the EALG and the SLTA in collaboration with the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and was open not just to EALG representatives but to the public in general. 

It is confirmed that our Italian member (Munari Cavani) will host our next annual meeting in Milano in May 2020. We have also managed to secure our next semi-annual meeting to be held in Cyprus (Autumn 2020) and our annual meeting in Denmark (Spring 2021).
