2023 21.09

James Oketch, Managing Partner of James Oketch & Company Advocates, gave a webinar presentation to EALG members on August 23, 2023 on An Introduction to Doing Business in Kenya.

Mr. Oketch discussed the key laws and considerations governing foreign investment and doing business in Kenya. Webinar attendees learned why Kenya has emerged as a trade and investment hub, with Nairobi being popularly known as the “Silicon Savannah” as major global corporations such as Google, Microsoft, and Visa have chosen Kenya as the country in which to establish African continent business hubs.

The webinar provided an overview of the legal system in Kenya; the basics of establishing a business in Kenya; the different types of business legal entities; and the rules governing the operation of a business in Kenya, including labor relations, taxation, intellectual property; environmental; and dispute resolution considerations.

Recordings of the webinar are available for viewing on the EALG website at https://www.ealg.com/webinars and the website of James Oketch & Company Advocates. https://jamesoketchadvocates.com/

In addition to the Webinar, James Oketch & Company Advocates has also published a 43-page companion Guide on An Introduction to Doing Business in Kenya. The Guide is the first in a series of legal publications by the EALG Kenya member entitled “Law Leo” in Swahili, “The Law Today.”

Copies of the Guide are available for review and download on the “Publications” page and also at the website of James Oketch & Company Advocates; https://jamesoketchadvocates.com/guide-to-doing-business-in-kenya/

The EALG is a global network of independent law firms with members in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, South America, and the United States. Since its establishment in 1985, the EALG was founded on the premise that law firms can best serve their client’s interests in other countries by co-operating with like-minded firms who have local knowledge of and immediate access to the legal system operating in their own jurisdictions. Members meet twice a year at in-person conferences hosted by a member firm, with additional periodic virtual meetings and educational sessions via Internet video hosting. For more information, please visit http://www.ealg.com
