Warshaw Burstein litigators Bruce H. Wiener, Slava Hazin and Nolan Mahoney...
Title IX Insider Winter Edition 2023
Welcome to the Winter edition of the Title IX Insider, a periodic newsletter designed to keep students, teachers and faculty, administrators...
Warshaw Burstein Represents Virginia-Based Owner of Property in Hip North Capitol Hill Neighborhood of Denver, Colorado
Warshaw Burstein, LLP, a full-service law firm in New York City, today announced that its team led by Michael Zukerman, of counsel in the Real Estate Group...
Understanding the Recent Proposed Changes to Title IX
On September 15, 2022, Warshaw Burstein attorneys Kimberly C. Lau, James E. Figliozzi, and Branden Lynn presented...
Warshaw Burstein, Christian Levine Law Group Retained by Shareholder Group to Investigate Market Manipulation Scheme
Warshaw Burstein, LLP, a full-service law firm in New York City, today announced that along with the Christian Levine Law Group and several industry consulting...