2019 18.06

The law firm Thomas, Mayer & Associés advised the French company ADN PROTECTION, which specialises in the installation and maintenance of video surveillance and alarm interventions, as well as Mr Dan Nataf, its president and founder, in connection with its minority reinvestment accompanying this sale.

Created in 2011, ADN Protection is one of the leaders in Ile-de-France in its activity of protecting construction sites, scaffolding and hangars. With several years of experience in the security field, its president and founder Dan Nataf has surrounded himself with a team of experienced professionals and qualified technicians.

ADN Protection, the management and partners were advised by the law firm Thomas, Mayer & Associés Paris (Emma Bensoussan-Crémieux, partner and Duc Quang Pham for the corporate part and Charlotte Callet, partner for the labour law part), the law firm IC Avocats (Michaël Taïeb, partner for the tax part), the firm AGEC Finances (James Ouaki, partner for accounting expertise) and the firm Vendome Conseils (M&A - Ivan Girardot, partner).

The buyer, Mickael ACHOUCH, was advised by the law firm Emmanuel Wiplier (Emmanuel Wiplier, partner) and the firm Entrepreneurs & Finance (M&A - Matthieu Cassone, Rémi Saint Lannes, William Bony).

The investment funds were advised by Stéphane Pérel (ACG Management, BTP Capital Investissement and Sopromec participations).

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