2021 11.02

1. Copyrights coming out of the drawer / Adi Marcus, Adv.

Article on copyright protection and the way to protect it, at least in part, by deposit or notarization. The article was written by Adv. Adi Marcus of Afik & Co.  The article in English may be found at the link: https://www.afiklaw.com/articles/a328

2. Corporate, Antitrust and Securities Law Update

The envelopes method is the preferable mechanism when shareholders are separating willingly and neither party was oppressed. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11958

The determining registry of a company’s shareholders is the one hold at the company and not that at the Corporate Registrar. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11960

3. Commercial Law Updates

Choosing a winner of a tender based on criteria that were not part of the tender is overstepping authority and violates the principle of equality between bidders.  Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11962

Advertising on Facebook of a benefit to a particular audience does not constitute discrimination. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11964

An Israeli Court will not honor a foreign Court disclosure order unless under Israeli law such order could have been granted. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11966

4. Real Estate Law Updates

A contract that repeats a previous contract and may stand by itself may be deemed replacing the previous contract and not an addendum. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11968
