2020 26.08

1. Who wants to volunteer to be personally liable for debts of an NGO? /Yair Aloni, Adv.

An article on personal liability of NGO managers and members to debts of the BGO. The article was written by Yair Aloni, Adv., a partner at the law office of Afik & Co., Attorneys and Notary. The article in English may be found at the link: https://www.afiklaw.com/articles/a316

2. Corporate, Antitrust and Securities Law Update

Voluntarily contracting a company may only rarely impose personal liability on its officers. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11152

Deduction of employee pension funds without depositing such does not by itself justify piercing the corporate veil towards all officers of an NGO. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11154

3. Commercial Law Updates

Posting a negative review on a business page on Facebook without actually buying the product or service may be deemed defamation. Read more at:  http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11156

A party who does not raise at the first chance a contention that an arbitration clause exists agrees to its cancellation.  Read more at:  http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11158

A breach of fiduciary duty by resigning employee may lead to limitations on freedom of occupation even in lack of contract. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11160

4. Real Estate Law Updates

Absent a written agreement a real estate agent is not entitled to a brokerage fee even if was the efficient promoter of the transaction. Read more at: http://www.afiklaw.com/updates/11162
